Tuesday, January 19

Mother Earth is pissed, it seems

2010 seems to be off to an angry start.

Freezing temperatures as far South as Florida. Record breaking amounts of snow, torrential rain causing floods, earthquakes that level whole cities.
It makes me wonder what February will bring.

There was an earthquake off the shore of Iowa yesterday and Yellowstone National Park has recorded an earthquake TODAY!!
None of them as tragic as Haiti, but the Mother Earth sure seems unhappy.

Speaking of Haiti - I have watched all I can of the crisis in Haiti. I have seen some horrible things that the people are doing to each other. Brutality against each other doesn't help things.
I understand their desperation because of lack of food and water. I also understand their frustration with no help arriving.

Been there.
Got the T-shirt.

I know what it's like to wait for help that just does not seem to come. I know what it's like to be in a bind and while trying to do for myself, still having hope that help will arrive.I know what it feels like for the slow realization to take hold that nobody is coming to help you. I know the fear and anger and self preservation thinking that takes over. I know how horrible and heartbreaking it is when you realize that nobody really gives a rats ass and unless you act like sheep and form peaceful lines to beg for basics, the government helpers will retreat and leave you there.

I haven't been in that exact situation as Haiti, but Ike really taught me who cares and who don't give a real rats ass --- and truth is --- that everybody that shows up isn't necessarily there to help .

I've made personal donations and participated in several clicks-to-donate at blogs I read. http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/ donated 10cents per comment and eventually sent more than $6,000 in donations related to readers.
Hers was the largest of the blogger donations that I participated in.
Way-to-go P-Dub!

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