Sunday, November 14

This doggie gives me fits

This morning at 6 she climbed the cyclone fence and ran off down the street. For 2 1/2 hours I chased, called, threw treats at, followed, whistled and tried to tempt her to me.
She wasn't having it!!!
It's 50* outside this morning and apparently that is perfect weather for running, because she ran so far I had to get a vehicle to catch up to her! She ran inside a fenced field while I drove alongside her and when I looked at the speedometer, it said EIGHTEEN.

Nothing I did got her to come back and finally I gave up chasing her.
I went inside and sent email to the rescue place I adopted her from to tell them if a dog pound gets her to call me. (She has a tag with their number and ID number on it)

I went back out for one more try and saw her down the street about 3 houses away.
Frustrated with her, I turned my back and headed back inside. She came across the street and I could hear her jingling tag getting closer. She followed me into the house... and I was happy she was home but mad that she'd run off.

I gave her a treat because I want her to learn that coming to me is GOOD. I have also made up my mind that she can't go out into the back yard anymore without being on a leash of some sort.

Definately a Basenji adventure this morning and a lesson that says chasing something to get it to come to you only chases that something farther away!


  1. Oh Star! She's a stinker. I could never trust her in the yard because she was always digging climbing or getting her head stuck trying to escape.

    This cold weather seems to rile up my b's too. They're more frisky and seem to want to run around outside more than usual.

    Maybe she needs to be in lure coursing or have someone go running with her on a regular basis?

  2. I'll check into lure coursing. She'd love the run if I could get her to want the lure!

    I'm sorry - but I ain't running!! :)
