Wednesday, July 14

Snow in July ..... in Texas


Just so you get the right "feel" for this story ..... I work in an office.
I no longer work outside in the elements. No more baking in the sun, drowning in the rain, sweltering from the humidity.
I am now INdoors, in the air conditioning. Where it's cool and people that DO work outdoors come so they can get a break from the heat and cool off.
You know those kinds of places ... yes?

In March the air conditioner at work was ripped out and supposedly being replaced. All of us that used that air conditioning were looking forward to the change because the new unit would also have heating abilities. Something the old unit hadn't had in 30 years.

We didn't know they hadn't ordered a new one before they ripped out the old one. The old one that WORKED when they ripped it out.

We didn't know that the new one wouldn't be ordered till the old one was gone for more than 6 weeks.

Having no air conditioning in March wasn't such a big deal but by mid April we were all feeling it. By May 10 the office was creeping up to the mid 80's during the day and by the third week of May it was 80-85 during night shift.

In early June it got to be 95 in the office on my shift. The heat made me sick and caused lots of heath issues for everyone that works in the office. I ended up missing nearly a month from work because of heat related health troubles.

But now I am back to work and here we are in the month of July.

The new unit is installed and blowing cold air - but the controls are not yet hooked up.
That means the air conditioner runs wide open, on full cool.
You can't set a thermostat and you can't turn the thing off.

So guess what?

Any minute we expect it to start snowing in here.

Jackets and sweaters are piling up on the coat rack, space heaters are showing up under the desks - and they are ON!!!

Space heaters in Texas in JULY.
Who-da thought it?

I think it's time I started working on putting together the pieces of Granny's blanket so that I will have my own lap blanket. I may need it at work!!!


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