Tuesday, July 13


It's 9 pm and 84 degrees outside. The news is warning shoppers to make sure you don't leave children or pets inside parked cars even if you leave the windows down.
If we don't have a few days of over 100 actual temperature in August, I will be surprised.

Tuesday has been a day filled with chuckles, visitors and yard work.
Yard work started at 6 this morning. I had a visitor scheduled for 9 and wanted to do some cleaning up around the front door before she arrived. Things collect there. Leaves especially.
The wind swirls around and blows a fair size pile of leaves into the corner where the sidewalk meets the porch. In the summer it's a good place for baby snakes to hide from the heat and in winter it's a good place for dampness to collect and grow mold.

The chuckles came from watching a neighbor get angry over a car that slowed in front of his house. He paced the driveway a couple times and starred after the car that was long gone down the street, obviously angry at the gall of them slowing as they passed his house. Most of us would be glad if the cars on this street went a little slower.
He's an angry man. Alway mad about something or at someone and generally bullying the neighbors. Loud, obnoxious, ranting and cussing at the top of his lungs in a regular basis.
I don't know why he stays in the neighborhood since he hates it here. Or appears to hate it here. Another neighbor says the man owns some property in the country and that he plans to retire there. Since I never have seen him go to work ..... or ... Let's just say he has no regular schedule that appears to be a work schedule and he is never gone from home during the week for more than an hour or 2 at a time. Now and then he's gone for the weekend and takes the woman that lives with him, but I think those are times that he visits his future retirement place.

The visitors - there were 3 today.
All 3 brought something I was happy to recieve, and 2 left with some work to do. One brought ME some work to do!! Yard work. It'll take all weekend and I will have to hire help to get it done.
The second visitor turned around in angry neighbors' driveway because they missed my house. He stomped out of his garage just as they returned to the street. Satisfied that he's chased them off, he strutted back into the garage. The garage is their main entrance to the house - it leads to the kitchen and the rarely use the front door.
He didn't notice the car pull in to my driveway right next door - or he would have loudly let them know he wasn't happy.
Ahhhh, neighbors.
Some are nice, some are a pain, some are comical.
Angry neighbor is becoming a comedy show.

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